There are many traditions in the dojo. They include what we wear, what we say, what we do before we begin and when we end an activity, and more.
Rules of the Dojo
- Arrive early so class may begin on time. Use the extra time to warm up and stretch.
- A uniform (karate gi) is required for rank tests (Rok Kyu and up). Full uniforms are to be worn in class, tournaments, demonstrations, etc. unless otherwise directed by the head instructor.
- You may bring beverages to the class (i.e. water, juice, etc.). Place your beverage containers to the side with your belongings - DO NOT bring them into the training area.
- No alcoholic beverages are to be consumed before class and no smoking in the dojo.
- Remove your shoes prior to entering the training area (dojo). Do not walk in the training area with shoes on.
- All students are expected to be neat and clean at all times during training.
Bow when entering and leaving the dojo.
- Bow when stepping into and out of the training area.
- Bow before and after working with a partner.
- Respect is to be given to all upper ranks.
- The words "Sir" or "Sensei" are to be used when addressing instructors.
- Permission is required from the instructor for: late class entry, dismissal, timeout, restrooms, and leaving.
- NO talking in class without permission.
- Horseplay will be promptly and strictly dealt with.
- NO running in the halls.
- NO Jewelry is to be worn in class, i.e. earrings, rings, belt buckles, etc. unless they are completely concealed and secured.
- NO gum chewing in class.
- Long hair should be pulled back into a ponytail or braid.
- NO sparring without proper safety equipment and supervision by the instructor.
- NO using equipment without permission from an instructor.
- Toenails and fingernails are to be properly trimmed to prevent injury to yourself or training partner(s).
- All guests ARE subject to ALL the rules.
Before beginning class, the senior student will call the class to order and bow to the instructor. When lining up for class, the highest ranking student will be to the right of the instructor. If more than one student is of the same rank, then the one with the longest time in grade will be to the right. If both students have the same time in grade, then the oldest will line up to the right.
Start of class
With the class lined up and ready, the senior student will open the class as follows:
Senior Student - "Kiotsuke" - All students come to attention in a straight line, feet together, and fists presented in front at waist level.
Senior Student - "Shomen Ni Rei" - All bow to the front.
Senior Student - "Hanshi Ni Rei" - Students bow to the grandmaster instructor(s), if present.
Senior Student - "Shihan Ni Rei" - Students bow to the master instructor(s), if present.
Senior Student - "Sensei Ni Rei" - Students bow to the instructor.
All Students - "Onegai Shimasu Sensei" - Students are asking the instructor to please help with their lesson.
All Students - Recite Oath and Student Creed
I come to you with only karate - empty hands,
I have no weapons.
But should I be forced to defend myself,
My principles, my honor, or my family,
Should it be a matter of life or death,
Or right or wrong,
Then here are my weapons, karate, my empty hands
I intend to develop myself in a positive manner and avoid anything that would reduce my mental or physical growth.
I intend to develop self-discipline in order to bring out the best in myself and in others.
I intend to use what I learn in class constructively and defensively and to help myself and my fellow man and never be abusive or offensive.

End of class
At the end of class, the senior student (at the direction of the instructor) will call the class to order and bow to the instructor.
With the class lined up and ready, the senior student will end the class as follows:
Senior Student - "Kiotsuke" - All students come to attention in a straight line, feet together, and fists presented in front at waist level.
Senior Student - "Shomen Ni Rei" - All bow to the front.
Senior Student - "Hanshi Ni Rei" - Students bow to the grandmaster instructor(s), if present.
Senior Student - "Shihan Ni Rei" - Students bow to the master instructor(s), if present.
Senior Student - "Sensei Ni Rei" - Students bow to the instructor.
Senior Student - "Otadari Ni Rei" - Students bow to the instructor.
All Students - "Domo Arigato Gozaimasu" - Students are thanking the instructor.